
Reasons for Foot and Ankle Swelling

Foot and Ankle SwellingThere are many reasons why someone may be dealing with swollen ankles or feet. The most common reason is an injury such as a sprained ankle; however, not all causes are as obvious. If you aren’t dealing with a foot or ankle injury, then you may be wondering what could be causing your swelling. Along with. determining the cause of your swelling it’s also important to recognize warning signs of a potentially serious health problem.
Here are some possible reasons why you may be dealing with foot and ankle swelling,
You’re pregnant
It’s normal for there to be a little bit of swelling in the ankles and feet due to extra fluid and pressure placed on the body from the developing uterus. This is more common for women in their third trimester, especially the weeks leading up to delivery, or during hotter months. However, it’s important to keep an eye on your swelling to make sure it’s not severe or appearing suddenly. If you notice significant swelling of the feet and ankles along with stomach pain, nausea, vomiting or headaches, call your doctor right away, as this could be a sign of high blood pressure (known as preeclampsia).
You have a foot or ankle injury
This is a common reason why people often turn to a podiatrist. Everything from strains to sprained ankles and fractured bones in the foot can lead to sudden swelling after an injury. It’s a good idea to ice the injury to help reduce swelling. If your swelling is accompanied by severe pain or trouble walking on the foot then you should see a podiatrist immediately.
You could have a blood clot
A blood clot in the leg, often known as deep vein thrombosis, can stop blood from flowing through the legs back to the heart. As a result of the blockage, this can lead to swelling in the ankles and the affected leg. Since a blood clot can be particularly dangerous it is important that you seek immediate medical attention if your swelling is accompanied by leg pain, fever, and any color changes in your leg.
You may have heart or kidney disease
It is possible that swelling in your feet or ankles could be warning us of problems with your kidneys, liver, or heart. If you find that your ankles start to swell at night, your body could be retaining both salt and water (a possible sign of heart failure). When kidneys don’t function properly excess fluid can accumulate within the body and lead to swelling. If you notice swelling along with weight gain, loss of appetite, and fatigue then you should talk with your doctor.
These are only some of the reasons why you may be dealing with foot and ankle swelling. Other causes could be,
  • Consuming too much salt
  • Sitting or standing for too long
  • Side effects from certain medications
  • An infection (more common in those with diabetic neuropathy)
  • Weak or damaged veins in the legs
If you are dealing with severe or recurring foot and ankle swelling, it’s important that you see a podiatrist right away to find out what’s going on and to catch potentially dangerous problems as soon as possible.

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